Mesothelioma in Erie Legal Question

Understanding Mesothelioma and Your Legal Options in Erie

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma in Erie, you probably have a lot of questions about the disease and what to do next. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, a mineral once commonly used in construction and insulation.

How Were You Exposed to Asbestos?

In Erie, many people were exposed to asbestos at work, especially those employed in industrial and manufacturing jobs. Asbestos was heavily used in these industries for decades, putting workers at risk.

Family members of workers can also be exposed to asbestos fibers brought into the home on clothes and skin. If you believe asbestos exposure caused your mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation.

What Are Your Legal Options?

If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma in Erie, you have the right to pursue legal action against the companies responsible for your asbestos exposure. Filing a mesothelioma lawsuit can help cover medical bills, loss of income, pain and suffering, and other costs.

The two main types of lawsuits are personal injury lawsuits and wrongful death lawsuits. A personal injury lawsuit is filed by the person diagnosed with mesothelioma. A wrongful death lawsuit is filed by the family members of someone who died from mesothelioma.

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Finding a Qualified Mesothelioma Lawyer in Erie

When looking for a mesothelioma lawyer in Erie, you want to find someone with experience handling these complex cases.

Below are some of the ways to find a qualified lawyer in Erie;

1. Check their credentials

Make sure any lawyer you consider is licensed to practice in Pennsylvania and has experience with personal injury and mesothelioma cases. They should indicate areas of focus such as asbestos exposure or toxic torts. Membership in professional organizations like the American Bar Association can also indicate a commitment to high standards.

2. Review their case experience

An experienced mesothelioma lawyer will have successfully handled many similar cases. Ask about the outcomes of previous cases, settlements won, and jury verdicts. They should be able to provide references from former clients. Be wary of any lawyer who cannot point to a track record of success in mesothelioma litigation.

3. Understand their fee structure

Most mesothelioma lawyers work on contingency, meaning you pay no upfront fees and they receive a percentage of any settlement or jury award. Make sure you understand the percentage charged, and any costs you may be responsible for. Look for a lawyer willing to advance all costs with no payment due unless you win compensation.

4. Trust your instincts

When interviewing lawyers, consider how well they listen, explain legal issues in an understandable way, and make you feel comfortable. Mesothelioma cases can be complex, so you need a lawyer you connect with and trust to represent your best interests. Go with the lawyer you feel most confident in, with the experience to handle your case.


By doing your research, you can find a skilled mesothelioma lawyer in Erie to help you pursue justice and compensation for your suffering. The right representation can make all the difference in these serious legal matters.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Erie

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers;

1. How long do I have to file a mesothelioma lawsuit?

In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations for filing an asbestos-related lawsuit is 2 years from the date of diagnosis. However, this can vary based on the specifics of your case, so it’s best to speak with an Erie mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible after your diagnosis. They can evaluate your case and determine the deadline for filing a claim on your behalf.

2. What types of compensation can I receive?

If your mesothelioma lawsuit is successful, you may be awarded compensatory damages to cover medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs. You could also receive punitive damages, which are meant to punish the defendants. The amounts awarded depend on the specifics of your case.

3. Who can be held responsible?

Anyone who negligently exposed you to asbestos could potentially be named as a defendant in your lawsuit, including:

  • Former employers who did not provide proper safety equipment
  • Asbestos product manufacturers
  • Premises owners who used asbestos products
  • Distributors and suppliers of asbestos products

Your lawyer can conduct an investigation to determine all parties that may be liable for your asbestos exposure and mesothelioma diagnosis.

4. Do I need an Erie mesothelioma lawyer?

Yes, mesothelioma lawsuits can be extremely complex, so having an experienced lawyer is critical. An Erie mesothelioma attorney can:

  • Thoroughly investigate your asbestos exposure history
  • Determine all parties that may be liable for your diagnosis
  • Calculate the full costs of your medical care and other damages
  • Negotiate settlements on your behalf or take your case to trial if needed
  • Ensure all deadlines are met and necessary paperwork is properly filed

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